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WEEK 4: Resilience

After we focussed on Recovery last week, we should be well rested and ready to rip in again! Resilience when it comes to physical exercise refers to the ‘mental toughness’ required to persist when things gets hard, when you want to quit or simply not show up at all. It is the grit and determination you need to succeed and a mindset that can bleed into so many other areas of your life! The onus is ultimately on you to build or develop resilience and we are far more capable than we give ourselves credit for!

It doesn’t get easier, you get better: Getting up and getting it done even when you sometimes don’t want to, isn’t easy! But if your ‘why?’ is stronger and you can push through day by day, it will slowly but surely become easier as your physical and mental resilience builds. Everything in the world we live in is getting ‘easier,’ we can literally sit on the couch and have food delivered to us, we don’t have to climb stairs if we don’t want to and we are fortunate to have so many technologies and home comforts like hot water at our fingertips. But on the flip side, these ‘comforts’ can make us physically and mentally weak, so when a physical challenge or a mental set back/inconvenience is thrown our way it can absolutely rock us and send us into a spin. We want to challenge you to do the hard things! There are some pretty great rewards on the other side of discomfort if you can push through.

Over the last month (or more) you have hopefully set some foundations and gotten yourself into a regular routine of moving and stretching your body by attending classes, hitting the gym or getting out and getting your steps in. Ideally you are also incorporating regular Breathwork and meditation practices into your weekly routine which will all help to improve your general wellbeing. In week one we challenged you to set some small, achievable habits that you could perform, even on your worst days, but now its time to build some discipline and ramp things up a notch!

#dowhatyoucando @aspiregroup

Aspire Team.

Wk 4 Physical Habits:

  1. Create a consistent and regular exercise routine. Set some non-negotiables for yourself this week and stick to them!
  • Attend at least 2-4 classes per week for the remainder of the challenge. Being around other people will give you the extra push to achieve more than you thought capable alone.
  • Cant make the class? Do something physically you’ve been putting off or ignoring, put on the shoes and go for that run, step into the gym for the first time in a while or give that ice bath a go!

Wk 4 Mental Habits:

  1. Step out of your comfort zone! Try a cold shower every day this week, dive into an ocean dip or take on an ice bath! Start with 30 secs and see if you can push through to 2 minutes over the week.
  2. Put down your phone! Set a boundary and stick to it each evening where you no longer scroll or check emails. Turn the phone on ‘sleep’ mode over night to avoid temptation or distraction. Instead pick up a book and fall asleep reading it.
  3. e highly recommend watching the inspirational and incredible documentary on Nedd Brockman, who’s resilience led him to RUNN across Australia, having only started running during Covid!